• Machinery specification development
  • Feasibility study development
  • Strategic plan development
  • Machinery recommending and selecting
  • Implementation and execution supervision

Investment is a conscious act of deciding to involve the deployment of cash with a view to obtaining the targeted return. Why invest in Ethiopia? Where to invest? Do you know the area you are planning to invest in? Do you know your investment risks? Is your investment plan is meeting or is capable of meeting your financial goals? These and other technical questions come to your mind before deciding to involve the deployment of cash.

The level of addressing these pre and other post-investment issues is a core for the success or feller of investment. Each activity of investment making decision is complex by nature and recommend should be handheld by professional consultants and sector-wise technical expertise.

Our on-hand and previously accomplished investment consultancy service provision assignments, as well as the consultant team members’ exposures, make our clients enjoy our superior investment consultancy service provision in Ethiopia. Our team is; familiar with the core concept of investment, aware of the on-ground expected and unexpected written or unwritten governing factures of doing business in Ethiopia, capable to develop a complete feasibility study report, assist on machinery and equipment recommending and procurement as well as development of strategies and implementation plans to meet the targeted investment return.